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OMEX Zynergy is a unique complex of copper and zinc. OMEX Zynergy corrects deficiencies and improves plant nutrient health and tolerance to abiotic stress.

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  • Attacks fungal problems on the foliage
  • Improved plant nutrient health and disease resistance
  • Improved rooting action
  • Increased fruit set
  • Higher solids content
  • Increased yield
  • Post harvest quality enhancements
  • Improved foliar uptake of cations (ie K, Ca, Mg, Mn)


Crop                                   Dosage                                   Application Interval

Carrots................. 1.0L/ha               Apply from 3-4 leaves, repeat after 10-14 days
Legumes................. 1.0L/ha               Pre-flowering, repeat at 10-14 day intervals
Potatoes................ 0.5L/ha               Apply from tuber initiation, repeat at 10-14 day intervals in tank mix with
                                               blight fungicides
Other Crops............. 0.5-1.0L/ha           As required, repeat as necesarry      
Vegetables,lettuce...... 0.5-1.0L/ha           Apply from 7-10 days after planting,Use the lower rate on lettuce and leafy salads,
                                               repeat at 10-14 day intervals                                    
Fruit trees............. 1.0L/ha               Apply as petal fall, repeat 10-14 day intervals