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ZeoFol® is a mineral complex for use in fertigation - either by sprinkling or dripping - which, in addition to providing macro-nutrients, adds a significant amount of micro-elements, essential for optimal crop development. It also contains humic and fulvic acids, which enrich and amend worn soils, as well as available silicon, which develops the defense and hormonal mechanisms of the plant. Due to the above, the use of μZeoFol® increases the yield of the crops, lengthening the shelf life of the products and increasing the consistency and the Brix degrees of the fruit, and therefore, its quality.

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  • Stabilizes soil pH, unlocking nutrients and making them available for cultivation.
  • Thanks to its application via irrigation, nutrition is gradual and balanced.
  • Does not burn the root or alter the biology of the soil.
  • it raises the consistency and brix degrees of the fruit.
  • Provides available silicon that develops the defense and hormonal mechanisms of the plant.



Vegetables ………………………………………. 800-1000 kg/Ha
Citrus ……………………………………………… 5-7 kg/plant/year
Papaya…………………………………………….. 125 g/plant/month
Banana……………………………………………. 100 g/plant/month
cucurbitaceas (melon & watermelon) ….. 800-900 kg/ha

