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ZeoFert® is a mineral starter fertilizer, containing the essential nutrients to attain higher crop yields with unsurpassed health and quality at much lower costs. Due to its 100% NATURAL composition it does NOT burn the roots or increase the salt content in soils, thus having a soil lifespan larger than any chemical because of its low solubility, hence not being subject to leaching.

ZeoFert® is recommended for all crops and all types of soils since it combines, along with the major nutrients, the full range of micro-elements necessary for optimal crop development, as well as humic and fulvic acids that improve eroded soils.

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  • Stabilizes both acid and alkaline soils, regulating their pH, thus unblocking nutrients and making them available for the plants.
  • Promotes root penetration through a better water and oxygen intake, improving soils structure through aeration and water retention.
  • Promotes healthier plants, boosting nutritional values such as protein content, essential oils, sugar content in fruits and vegetables.
  • Does not burn the roots, hence, it can be applied directly.
  • Does not pollute nor salinize soils, since it does not contain chemical carriers.


Fruits and trees (in production) ……….. 7 – 10 kg/plant/year
Grains and legumes …. 450 – 550 kg/Ha
Vegetables ………………. 800 – 1,000 kg/Ha + N source (organic or chemical)
Berries ……………………. 100 – 120 gr/plant/year


The Nitrogen content in ZeoFert® is relatively low, therefore, it is essential to add an external source of this nutrient. In a compost it is highly recommendable to mix one part of ZeoFert® with two parts of compost or 70% ZeoFert® plus 30% of a chemical nitrogen source. Do not place deeper than 10 cm. The application must be done before planting or sowing and if applied manually, the dosage must be doubled.