Fully water soluble phosphite and phosphate phosphorous source, with zinc and manganese are rapidly taken up and absorbed when applied as a foliar.
Crop Dosage Application Interval
Beans................. 4.0L/ha Apply routinely in spring or as deficiency identified Brassicas, Salads..... 4-8L/ha 2-3 applications, 1st spray at 2-4 leaf stage, repeat at 10-14 day intervals Onions................ 4-6L/ha Apply at 3-4 leaf stage or as deficiency identified Lettuce............... 4-6L/ha Apply 7-10 days after planting, 2nd spray 14 days later Potatoes.............. 4-6L/ha 1st application 7-10 days after tuber initiation, repeat at 14 day intervals
pHortify is a highly concentrated foliar fertilizer from our extensive range of Plant Health Promoters designed to stimulate plant health and vigour of crops and thereby increase the plants ability to withstand pest and diseases.