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NK60 is a highly concentrated suspension fertilizer containing foliar potassium with nitrogen

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  • NK60 delivers readily available K to regulate stomatal movements and maintain metabolic systems for the transport of sugars from leaves to grain and fruit.
  • Increases flavor, brightness, weight (filling), sweetness and juice of the fruit.
  • NK60 also supplies crop available nitrogen, helping to maintain growth and build yield.
  • Very fast uptake to correct nutrient deficiency or relieve stress symptoms.
  • Easy handling and storage


Crop                                   Dosage                                   Application Interval

Citrus................. 2.5L/ha                1-3 Applications
Ornamentals............ 2.0L/ha                3-4 applications during main growth stage
Maiz................... 2.0L/ha                1-2 applications during growth period
Peppers & Tomatoes..... 2.5L/ha                2-3 application from fruit set      
Potatoes............... 2.0L/ha                2-3 applications from flowering to tuberisation                                   
Rice................... 2.0L/ha                2 applications starting at flowering