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DP98 is a fully water soluble phosphate (PO3) liquid fertilizer designed to stimulate plant health and vigour of crops and thereby increase the plants ability to withstand pest and diseases.

Phosphorus is essential in all plants to optimize yields. The high solubility of DP98 allows rapid capture and uptake of phosphorus when applied foliar.
Omex DP98 will however translocate phosphorus through both the phloem and the xylem and thereby supplying essential phosphorus to the root zone and the crop canopy.

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  • Improved plant nutrient health and disease resistance
  • Improved rooting action
  • Higher solids content
  • Increased fruit set and crop yields
  • Increase yield and improves the quality of post-harvest fruits
  • It moves throughout the plant internally, so it is ideal to apply it with other products to promote its mobility and effectiveness.
  • Improved foliar uptake of cations
    (ie K, Ca, Mg, Mn)


Crop                                   Dosage                                   Application Interval

Brassicas.............. 2.0L/ha                Apply at 2-4 leaf stage, repeat as required
Carrots................ 2.0L/ha                Apply at 3-4 leaf stage, repeat as required
Citrus................. 4.0L/ha                Apply from first growth flush, repeat every 10-14 days
Lettuce................ 4.0L/ha                2 applications 1st spray 7-10 days post planting,
                                               2nd spray 10-14 days later     
Onions................. 2.0L/ha                Apply at 3-4 leaf stage, repeat as required                                   
Pineapple.............. 3.0-4.0L/ha            Foliar sprays every 14 days
Potatoes............... 2.0L/ha                Apply from tuber initiation, repeat at 14 day intervals