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BIO 20

BIO 20

OMEX Bio 20 is a fully water soluble foliar fertilizer fomulation, applied to fruit, vegetables and cereals for optimum yield and quality.

It contains macro, chelated micronutrients and organic material derived from a single seaweed variety which has proven beneficial effects upon plants by stimulating root development.

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  • Increases root mass, reduces stress, increases yield, improves disease resistance and improves the quality of your crops.
  • Especially effective on seedlings and transplanted crops for improved establishment​.
  • Contains EBA Technology – Enhanced Bio-Availability​.
  • Promotes root growth and development.
  • Increases resistance to drought
  • Seaweed extract stimulates root formation, improving rooting and absorption of water and nutrients
  • Boosts canopy on field scale crops​.
  • In stressed or checked growth it promotes vigour and helps to prevent leaf drop.



Crop                                    Dosage                                   Application Interval

Citrus................. 1-2L/ ac                           Every 30 Days
Banana................. 1-2L/ ac                           Every 15 Days
Corn................... 0.5- 1L/ac                         At 10-30 Days after germination
Beans.................. 1-2L/ ac                           At 19-29 Days after germination
Vegetables............. 1-2L/ ac or 5ml/L of water         Every 7-10 Days
Coconut................ 1-2L/ ac                           Every 30 Days                        
Soursop................ 1-2L/ ac                           Every 30 Days
Cacao.................. 1-2L/ ac                           Every 30 Days
Sugarcane.............. 0.5-1L/ac                          Every 30 Days- 45 Days after ratoon sprouting
Highly concentrated suspension, bio-stimulant containing macro, micro-nutrients and seaweed extract.