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Highly concentrated foliar fertilizer containing water soluble sulphur and nitrogen. sulphur and nitrogen are major constituents of plant enzymes and proteins. Deficiencies of either element will be reflected in both crop yield and produce quality.
Sulphomex will supply the sulphur requirements of all crops and its use will avoid the unpleasant dust and caking characteristics of many elemental products.

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  • Soil conditioner
  • lowers pH and releases fixed nutrients
  • Sulfur has anti-fungal and insecticidal characteristics, so you protect your crop from pests and diseases
  • Improves the development of leaves and vegetative areas of the plant
  • Improves plant defenses against leaf miners and chewing insects


Crop                                       Dosage                    Application Interval

Citrus, Avocado.............. 1.5-2.0L/ha           From the beginning of the vegetative stage until flowering
Broccoli & Cauliflower etc... 1.5-2.0L/ha           From the 4 leaf stage
Banana....................... 1.5-2.0L/ha           From shoot formation to fruit development
Curcubits (Pumpkin,Melon)..... 1.5-2.0L/ha          From the beginning of the vegetative stage until flowering   
Onion........................ 1.0-2.0L/ha           From 20 days after transplant                     
Peas & beans................. 1.0-2.0L/ha           From the vegetative stage to pod filling
Potato....................... 1.5-5.0L/ha           During the entire vegetative stage of the crop
Roses and Ornamentals........ 1.5-2.0L/ha           From the start of budding until flower bud formation