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Calmax Gold

Calmax Gold

CalMax Gold is a unique water soluble suspension fertilizer containing calcium together with nitrogen, magnesium and trace elements plus amino acids.

CalMax Gold is applied during flowering, the amino acids stimulate internal chemical pathways which promote fruit set.

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  • Protects against a wide range of disorders related to calcium deficiency such as bitter pits, tip burn, blossom end rot, black heart and splitting.
  • Calcium acts as a binding agent that is essential to the structure of stems, roots, and fruits, therefore it improves firmness in all fruit and vegetables giving increased shelf life.
  • Enhances resistance to crop diseases
  • Optimizes yield and quality                            


Crop                              Dosage            Application interval

Citrus................ 1-2L/ac      Every 30 Days
Banana................ 1-2L/ac      Every 15 Days
Sugarcane............. 0.5-1L/ac    Every 30-45 Days after ratoon sprouting
Maiz (corn, pasture).. 0.5-1L/ac    30 Days after germination
Beans................. 1-2L/ac      19-29 Days after germination
Vegetable............. 1-2L/ac      Every 7-10 Days
Pineapple............. 1-2L/ac      90-120 Days after transplanting                                                    
Coconut............... 1-2L/ac      Every 7-10 Days                       
Cocao................. 1-2L/ac      Every 7-10 Days

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