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Omex K41 is a highly concentrated, water soluble emulsion containing potassium, magnesium and sulphur, it is formulated to supply both potassium and magnesium to the plant without causing a nutritional imbalance.

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  • K41 aid in maintaining the formation and healthy functioning of green leaf area.
  • Optimize the plant’s ability to make carbohydrates for better fruit set.
  • Increases the shelf life of the fruits
  • Reduces impact of environmental stress.
  • Increases the size, flavor and Brix degrees of the fruits
  • Promotes proper plant development


Crop                                   Dosage                              Application interval

Cucumber.............. 3.0-5.0/ha                  2-3 application from full bloom
Melon................. 3.0-5.0/ha                  2-3 application from flowering to fruit sizing  
Peppers & Tomatoe..... 3.0-5.0/ha                  2-3 application from fruits set to color 
Potatoes.............. 3.0-5.0/ha                  2-3 application from flowering to tuber set

OMEX K41 contains very low levels of nitrogen thereby minimizing soft leafy growth to reduce disease incidence, while maximizing translocation of sugars to storage organs (e.g onion and garlic bulbs) and fruit such as tomatoes and  peppers.