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Nova PeKacid "0-60-20"

Bio Agro Belize > Plant Nutrition - ICL > Nova PeKacid “0-60-20”

Nova PeKacid “0-60-20”

Nova PeKacid is a solid phosphoric acid in dry form, combining the advantages and efficiency of phosphoric acid with the ease and safety of a solid crystalline fertilizer. This white fertilizer is sodium-free and chloride-free, and extremely soluble at 670 g/liter H2O (at 20 °C). Due to its high acidity, it helps keep drippers clean. Furthermore, its high acidity means it can be tank-mixed with Calcium and Magnesium carriers despite containing high levels of Phosphorus. Nova PeKacid reduces the pH of calcareous soils, which helps prevent Nitrogen volatilization.

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Lower pH             Anti clogging       Enhance nutrient                                action                    uptake


  • Reduces pH of hard water when applied directly into the water
  • Prevents clogging in the irrigation / fertigation systems, in turn allowing uniform water and fertilizer distribution across the field
  • Cleans clogged drippers by dissolving precipitates formed during irrigation /fertigation
  • The acidification effect decreases P-fixation in the rhizosphere and promotes trace (elements) uptake in alkaline soils (pH >
  • Simplifies handling thanks to the unique dry form of phosphoric acid
  • PeKacid can be mixed with Ca and Mg
  • Easy to dissolve


Suitable for fertigation. Beside the nutrients supply, its acidifying effect will prevent clogging in the fertigation lines and regulates the pH level in soil solution for better nutrients uptake.

Recommended dilution rate, for stock solutions = 75g / 100 liter water.


The perfect solution when your crops need a boost of water-soluble phosphorus and potassium.